We were fortunate enough to visit Israel, Jordan, and Palestine in April.
Please check back regularly for updates.
- Tel Aviv Small Boat Harbor
- Jaffa, House of Simmon the Tanner
- Caesarea Arch Remains with Columns in Background
- Caesarea Moasic from Roman Occupation
- Caesarea Arch Remains
The following is my version of the Stations of the Cross or the Via Dolorosa:
- This is where Jesus prayed the night before he was betrayed. Here is where Judas betrayed Jesus and then Jesus was arrested.
- Between the Chapel of Condemnation and the Chapel of Flagellation, Jesus was condemned to death.
- Chapel of Flagellation
- Jesus falls under the Cross for the first time
- Simon the Cyrenian is forced to carry the Cross
- Veronica wipes the sweat from Jesus’s face
- Jesus falls for the second time.
- Jesus consoles the women of Jerusalem
- Jesus falls for the third time.
- Entrance to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
- Jesus is nailed to the Cross
- Jesus dies on the Cross
- Jesus is taken down from the Cross.
- The slab Jesus was laid on when taken down from the Cross
- The Sepulchure over Jesus’ tomb. Relief and picture indicate he is risen!
- An adjacent tomb to the one Jesus was placed in.
- He is Risen! A bright light shines over his tomb.
Petra Panorama:
- The Narrow Passage to Petra
- Narrow Passage with People
- The Treasury at Petra
- Detail of The Treasury
- Artistic Rock at Petra
- Petra Amphitheater
- More Petra Buildings
- Elephant in Passage Way
- Temple Ruins
- Tomb
- Linda Gets a Private Tour of Petra
More views of Jordan:
- Roman Amphitheater, Amman
- Roman Amphitheater, Amman
- The Citadel, Amman
- Amman Market Place
- Old Jerash, Main Entrance
- Old Jerash, Nymphaeam
- Jerash, Roman Ruins
- Jerash, Main Road
- Entrance to Qalat ar-Rabad Fort, Ajlun
- Passage Way, Qalat ar-Rabad Fort, Ajlun
- View of Promised Land from Mount Nebo, Dust Obscurs View
- Snake Cross, Mt. Nebo where Moses first saw the Promised Land
- Madba, St. George’s Church
My wife, Linda created a presentation about our visit to Jordan with related scriptural references. You can download it here: Jordan Presentation
- Traditional Location of Jesus Christ Birth Place
- Bethany Church
- Lazarus Sculpture in Bethany Church
- Inside Lazarus Tomb
- St. George Monastery in Judean Desert
Contact Me: David Pearce, dhpearce89@aol.com
Want to go!