This page is dedicated the the 60th reunion of the 1961 class of Warwick High School, Newport News, Virginia – September 16-17, 2022 The following is a sampling of the pictures I took during the reunion. Be sure to scroll to the bottom. David Pearce

This is a small thanks to all who worked to make this event a success. A cell phone image of poor quality but you get the idea:

Friday night fellowship:

More Friday night visiting:

On to the big evening, Saturday night.
Announcements by a few who made the event a success:

Saturday night food:

Now we eat and visit:

And a personal image- Linda Pearce, James Richard Lawrence, and Nancy Hamilton Lawrence:

We are not teenagers but some danced to the dj:

And you had to scroll all the way down to see this image of those who lined up for the photographer:

And since some of us need a gentle reminder, here is the key to the above quiz:

I hope you have enjoyed the images of this event. Please play fair. If you want a print of the group, order it from me. Thanks
David Pearce,